Best Justin Bieber Arrest Tweet EVER

It’s not even open for debate, Tim Siedell has the BEST Justin Bieber DUI Arrest tweet ever.


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#lol I Always Wear My Seatbelt

I Always Wear My Seatbelt

#dumb PEMDAS


#animals When You’re Home Alone At Night

When You’re Home Alone At Night

#lol Most Interesting Kristen Stewart

Most Interesting Kristen Stewart

#lol When I Get A High Score On Flappy Bird

When I Get A High Score On Flappy Bird

#lol When You Come Home High

When You Come Home High

#lol You Know Why I’m Standing Here

You Know Why I’m Standing Here

#animals Bad Parenting Or Best Use

Bad Parenting Or Best Use

#lol Clear Toaster Needed

Clear Toaster Needed

#food My Feelings On Mozzarella Sticks

My Feelings On Mozzarella Sticks

#lol Sick Sad World

Sick Sad World

#lol When You See Your Ex

When You See Your Ex

#drunks Asshole In Training

Asshole In Training

#lol Tried Blowing Glass

Tried Blowing Glass

#drunks How Many Drinks Per Week

How Many Drinks Per Week

#dumb Lady Meets President, Dog Gives A Shit Less

Lady Meets President, Dog Gives A Shit Less

#food When You’re At Chipotle…

When You’re At Chipotle…

#dumb Hold On…

Hold On…